hello. this is the webmaster's page.
i'm not sure where to link this yet, so if you're here, yay you found it (or saw i updated it)
thanks for checking out my website :) i dont know what im doing im just messing around. this website is a forever WIP
aside from this page (and i guess the pet & chat pages but those aren't too weird to have in there), this entire website is linked to a character/story (dont expect much from it), so i am unable to write like this anywhere else, but i thought it's important to have some info like this somewhere, so i made this page. im thinking of eventually placing this in the internet explorer.
thanks for all the kind messages in the chat box also, it means a lot to me that people like what i made ^^
also if you for some reason wanted to have a button for this website, here's one:

<a href="https://3x0.neocities.org"><img src="https://3x0.neocities.org/3x0button.gif"></a>
also i mentioned this before but then i deleted it oops uh i made a second website where i have more freedom to mess around but still a huuge wip.
url may break bc im not satisfied with the website name